Serrano foodtech

Complete fruit processing lines.

Complete fruit processing lines are industrial systems that are designed to carry out all stages of fruit processing, from receiving raw materials to obtaining final products such as juices, purees, preserves, jams and others derivatives. These processing lines are equipped with a variety of specialized machines and equipment that automate and optimize each stage of … Read more

Complete vegetable processing lines: Artichoke, Pepper, Green Bean, Broccoli…

Vegetable processing today has seen significant advancements in terms of technology, methods and approaches. This processing can involve both the preparation of vegetables for immediate consumption and their long-term conservation. Being at the forefront of these advances allows us to follow the most innovative trends and methods in the sector for processing vegetables, such as: … Read more

Technology in the Food Industry

Technology plays a fundamental role in the food industry, our equipment contributes to improving production, food safety, product quality and efficiency in general. As the food industry adapts to changing consumer demands and regulations, machinery plays a critical role in the evolution of this sector. We have integrated cutting-edge technology into our equipment through robotics … Read more

Processing Jams

This year we have a new client, on the island of Ibiza there is a family factory that processes fruit jams and other products, all handmade from their own farm. This company has relied on Serrano FoodTech for the installation of an industrial kettle to increase its production, always maintaining its personality and craftsmanship in … Read more

Full can moving line

We have implemented for the important Argentine manufacturer of canned vegetables and fruits, a line for the movement of full cans, from its sterilization room to the warehouse area. We are very grateful to Inalpa, for the trust in our company, and we hope that this is the first of many other opportunities to work … Read more

Green bean processing line in conservation

Without a doubt, if we can be proud of something in 2017, it is the implementation of a complete line for the processing of canned green beans, which we have manufactured, installed and launched in Magadascar, for the important business group Socota Agroindustrias. The line in a first stage, has a production capacity of 2.5 … Read more

Canned mandarin processing line for Zumdieck

A new client has come to our company to automate their process. It is the important Turkish company Zumdieck Konserve. This company has as its main product, among many others, the manufacture of canned mandarin. This year it has trusted Serrano to install 2 Mandarin Segment Calibrators, and 1 Complete Line for Mandarin Processing. This … Read more

Canned mandarin processing line

This year, our dear Peruvian client “Procesadora Laran” has acquired a new canned mandarin processing line. With this new line, our client will increase its production capacity by 30%. We are very happy for the good progress of this client, whom we thank very much for continuing to trust us, and we hope to continue … Read more

New facilities Serrano Foodtech

We are proud to communicate, that this year 2018 we have started the construction of what our new facilities will be. Located in the industrial area “El Saladar” (Lorquí), we have started the works for the construction of our new factory. More than 3,500 square meters, dedicated to improve our services and attention of all … Read more

Artichokes processing Line

With this client, we are already working several years, and in 2018, we have implemented a complete line for artichoke peeling in their new facilities. The line consists of 3 peeling machines, and all auxiliary machines for processing. Thank you very much for trusting Serrano FoodTech !!

1 Complete Beet Roots processing Line

New international project. This year we have manufactured, installed and commissioned a line for the production of vacuum packed beet roots. In collaboration with other partners, we have implemented this line for a client with which, we are sure we will continue to grow.  Thank you so much for your trust!!

Salteras sauces

When a customer comes back to us to improve and expand their facilities, it fills us with satisfaction. This means that we do our job well, and we serve our customers accordingly. This year 2018, we have participated in the growth of the Salteras de Salteras facilities, and by 2019 ….

7 Complete Mandarin Canned processing lines

Our most important customer in Turkey, has relied on Serrano FoodTech for the largest investment made in the field of canned mandarin production. This year 2018, we have manufactured, installed and commissioned a total of 7 complete mandarin processing lines …. And by 2019 … Undoubtedly, Zumdieck Konserve, is the largest producer of canned mandarin … Read more